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Foto saya
an ordinary person who always try to be better and better

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013


Today was my first day coming to my work placement, cobequid consolidated elemtary school in old barns, with my workplacement partner, hansko…He is so tall that I am such a little kid when I stand beside him…huhu,  We came to several clases, introducing ourself, meeting very welcoming teachers as well as  the students, they are so cute and funny. I didn’t even know how to describe how cute they are! So pretty and awesome!! I told them where I am from by showing a map where Indonesia located in and pointing the western-most province of Indonesia, Aceh, a province where I was born. I shared a little bit story of my country, there were an earthquake and a very big wave came in on the day after Christmas,2004.  Hundred thousands people died and many buildings destroyed…. I was so surprised that the students can’t stop wondering and asking lots of questions , they were very active and enthusiastic, almost all of students raise their hands until the teacher asked me to have a break for a while because the time is off. then we played together, running over the yard playing basketball, and a while after break before back to the classroom, A teacher asked us to have pictures together!!! So Much Fun, I hope I will enjoy and learn many things while volunteering here, until the end of this year!
Have Fun for tomorrow!

Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

[Lyric] Aceh Lon Sayang (My Beloved Aceh)

Daerah Aceh, tanoh lon sayang
(The land of Aceh, my beloved home land)
nibak tempat nyan, lon udep matee
(The land where I live and die)

Tanoh keuneubak, indatu moyang
(The land of ancestor and forefathers' legacy)
lampoh deungon blang, luah bukeon lee
(The land of vast area of fields)

Tanoh keuneubak, indatu moyang
(The land of ancestor and forefathers' legacy)
lampoh deungon blang, luah bukeon lee
(The land of vast area of fields)

Keureuja udep, na so peutimang
(while we live, the matters of life arranged)
na so peuseunang, keureuja matee
(when death comes, grief finds consolations)

Hate nyang susah, lon rasa seunang
(sadness intwines with gladness)
aceh lon sayang, sampo'an matee
(I love Aceh till the day I die)
Hate nyang susah, lon rasa seunang
(sadness intwines with gladness)
aceh lon sayang, sampo'an matee
(I love Aceh till the day I die)

you can download this song here.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

all about aceh

Sejarah Aceh

Pada zaman kekuasaan zaman Sultan Iskandar Muda Meukuta Perkasa Alam, Aceh merupakan negeri yang amat kaya dan makmur. Menurut seorang penjelajah asal Perancis yang tiba pada masa kejayaan Aceh di zaman tersebut, kekuasaan Aceh mencapai pesisir barat Minangkabau. Kekuasaan Aceh pula meliputi hingga Perak. Kesultanan Aceh telah menjalin hubungan dengan kerajaan-kerajaan di dunia Barat pada abad ke-16, termasuk Inggris, Ottoman, dan Belanda.
Kesultanan Aceh terlibat perebutan kekuasaan yang berkepanjangan sejak awal abad ke-16, pertama dengan Portugal, lalu sejak abad ke-18 dengan Britania Raya (Inggris) dan Belanda. Pada akhir abad ke-18, Aceh terpaksa menyerahkan wilayahnya di Kedah dan Pulau Pinang di Semenanjung Melayu kepada Britania Raya.
Pada tahun 1824, Persetujuan Britania-Belanda ditandatangani, di mana Britania menyerahkan wilayahnya di Sumatra kepada Belanda. Pihak Britania mengklaim bahwa Aceh adalah koloni mereka, meskipun hal ini tidak benar. Pada tahun 1871, Britania membiarkan Belanda untuk menjajah Aceh, kemungkinan untuk mencegah Perancis dari mendapatkan kekuasaan di kawasan tersebut.
Kesultanan Aceh
Kesultanan Aceh merupakan kelanjutan dari Kesultanan Samudera Pasai yang hancur pada abad ke-14. Kesultanan Aceh terletak di utara pulau Sumatera dengan ibu kota Kutaraja (Banda Aceh). Dalam sejarahnya yang panjang itu (1496 – 1903), Aceh telah mengukir masa lampaunya dengan begitu megah dan menakjubkan, terutama karena kemampuannya dalam mengembangkan pola dan sistem pendidikan militer, komitmennya dalam menentang imperialisme bangsa Eropa, sistem pemerintahan yang teratur dan sistematik, mewujudkan pusat-pusat pengkajian ilmu pengetahuan, hingga kemampuannya dalam menjalin hubungan diplomatik dengan negara lain. Sultan Aceh merupakan penguasa/raja dari Kesultanan Aceh, tidak hanya sultan, di Aceh juga terdapat sultanah (sultan perempuan).
Gelar-Gelar yang Digunakan dalam Kerajaan Aceh
* Tengku
* Tuanku
* Pocut
* Teuku
* Laksamana
* Uleebalang
* Cut
* Panglima Sagoe
* Meurah
Segala Hal Tentang Kerajaan Aceh
* Dalam
* Istana Darut Donya
* Cap Sikureung (cap sembilan)
* Meuligoe
* Gajah Putih
* Pasukan Gajah
Perang Aceh
Perang Aceh dimulai sejak Belanda menyatakan perang terhadap Aceh pada 26 Maret 1873 setelah melakukan beberapa ancaman diplomatik, namun tidak berhasil merebut wilayah yang besar. Perang kembali berkobar pada tahun 1883, namun lagi-lagi gagal, dan pada 1892 dan 1893, pihak Belanda menganggap bahwa mereka telah gagal merebut Aceh.
Dr. Snouck Hurgronje, seorang ahli Islam dari Universitas Leiden yang telah berhasil mendapatkan kepercayaan dari banyak pemimpin Aceh, kemudian memberikan saran kepada Belanda agar serangan mereka diarahkan kepada para ulama, bukan kepada sultan. Saran ini ternyata berhasil. Pada tahun 1898, J.B. van Heutsz dinyatakan sebagai gubernur Aceh, dan bersama letnannya, Hendricus Colijn, merebut sebagian besar Aceh.
Sultan M. Dawud akhirnya meyerahkan diri kepada Belanda pada tahun 1903 setelah dua istrinya, anak serta ibundanya terlebih dahulu ditangkap oleh Belanda. Kesultanan Aceh akhirnya jatuh seluruhnya pada tahun 1904. Saat itu, hampir seluruh Aceh telah direbut Belanda.
Bangkitnya nasionalisme
Sementara pada masa kekuasaan Belanda, bangsa Aceh mulai mengadakan kerjasama dengan wilayah-wilayah lain di Indonesia dan terlibat dalam berbagai gerakan nasionalis dan politik. Aceh kian hari kian terlibat dalam gerakan nasionalis Indonesia. Saat Volksraad (parlemen) dibentuk, Teuku Nyak Arif terpilih sebagai wakil pertama dari Aceh. (Nyak Arif lalu dilantik sebagai gubernur Aceh oleh gubernur Sumatra pertama, Moehammad Hasan).
Saat Jepang mulai mengobarkan perang untuk mengusir kolonialis Eropa dari Asia, tokoh-tokoh pejuang Aceh mengirim utusan ke pemimpin perang Jepang untuk membantu usaha mengusir Belanda dari Aceh. Negosiasi dimulai di tahun 1940. Setelah beberapa rencana pendaratan dibatalkan, akhirnya pada 9 Februari 1942 kekuatan militer Jepang mendarat di wilayah Ujong Batee, Aceh Besar. Kedatangan mereka disambut oleh tokoh-tokoh pejuang Aceh dan masyarakat umum. Masuknya Jepang ke Aceh membuat Belanda terusir secara permanen dari tanah Aceh.
Awalnya Jepang bersikap baik dan hormat kepada masyarakat dan tokoh-tokoh Aceh, dan menghormati kepercayaan dan adat istiadat Aceh yang bernafaskan Islam. Rakyat pun tidak segan untuk membantu dan ikut serta dalam program-program pembangunan Jepang. Namun ketika keadaan sudah membaik, pelecehan terhadap masyarakat Aceh khususnya kaum perempuan mulai dilakukan oleh personil tentara Jepang. Rakyat Aceh yang beragama Islam pun mulai diperintahkan untuk membungkuk ke arah matahari terbit di waktu pagi, sebuah perilaku yang sangat bertentangan dengan akidah Islam. Karena itu pecahlah perlawanan rakyat Aceh terhadap Jepang di seluruh daerah Aceh. contoh yang paling terkenal adalah perlawanan yang dipimpin oleh Teungku Abdul Jalil, seorang ulama dari daerah Bayu, dekat Lhokseumawe.
Masa Republik Indonesia
Sejak tahun 1976, organisasi pembebasan bernama Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) telah berusaha untuk memisahkan Aceh dari Indonesia melalui upaya militer. Pada 15 Agustus 2005, GAM dan pemerintah Indonesia akhirnya menandatangani persetujuan damai sehingga mengakhiri konflik antara kedua pihak yang telah berlangsung selama hampir 30 tahun.
Pada 26 Desember 2004, sebuah gempa bumi besar menyebabkan tsunami yang melanda sebagian besar pesisir barat Aceh, termasuk Banda Aceh, dan menyebabkan kematian ratusan ribu jiwa.
Pasca Gempa dan Tsunami 2004, yaitu pada 2005, Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka sepakat mengakhiri konflik di Aceh. Perjanjian ini ditandatangani di Finlandia, dengan peran besar daripada mantan petinggi Finlandia, Marti Ahtisaari.
** Sumber (

Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

English For Academic purposes


Facing totally different thing in new environment might cause both exciting and stressful for some people. It is commonly happened when the one who learns a new language will face some cases. According to Stern (1983), language learning is a process that can be traumatic and lead to language shock and culture shock, furthermore, Hofstede (1997, p.207) culture shock can be caused by the fact that appropriate behavior, language, underlying beliefs,values, and attitudes[1]. However, when the one learns a language, it doesn’t mean the one learns only a language itself. But since the time, the one has unconciously affected by culture shock. They learn many things else beyond it. That’s why a language learner has something special dealing with culture shock. So that the writer briefly would like to state some ideas about  the relationship betwen culture and language learners also  how the culture effects the language learners.
Whoever they are, wherever they live, and no matter what their belief are,  when they come to a new circumtances, they will absolutely get such a shock feeling  that is usually called Culture shocked. It is the phenomenon  individual commonly experience when they are confronted with the realities of the different cultural environment. The phrase of culture shocked is used to describe the feeling of individuals when they are encounter different social norms, values, belief, and way of doing[2]. This kind of things happened to every single person in the world who face the new thing for the first time in their life. In addition, the stage of culture shock has different level for everyone. The more people deal with the culture, the more people adjust to it. According to Shary, a girl from Tobaggo Island, “she said that, it’s hard to learn a language without understanding the culture, when someone learns a language, it means that someone learns its culture unconciously, and try to get used to it. As this  indonesian language learner’s  example when she first came to indonesia she got shocked to see some of Indonesian having chit chat with their family by unfolded the mat on the floor and then sat down on it. “ Actually it was quite strange for me, but  that’s indonesian culture and I have to try to understand”. she replied. Also as she has traveled alot, she had more comprehension toward cultures in such a way that she never tries to compere among them. So, by understanding the culture more, it will  get us easier to understand the language.
  There are many theories about language and culture, according to Konjaranigrat in his sociolinguistic, language is apart of culture, language and culture are two system that adhere to a human. If a language is a system that coordinate human’s interaction in the society, so that a language is a system that functioning the interaction ongoing[3]. It’s totally not false to state that it’s impossible to be a good language learner without understanding its  culture, because language and culture are like two side of a coin. furthermore, when a language learner learn a target language without understanding its culture it will be tasteless,  why I said so, because learning a language needs “sense”. It is used to choose the words properly based on the context or to state the idea according to the target language means, eventhough a language has very strong relationship with the culture, it doesn’t mean  that a good language learner will not effected by culture shock when they are coming to the area of target language. Nevertheless, according to Stern, A good language learners are often believed not to have to face culture shock[4]. In my mind, there is a question displayed about what kind of a good learner that should not face a culture shock. Perhaps, this statement would be appropriate if we have  another assumption Such as the language learner has  experiencing different aspects of culture while they learn a language,  or  the language learner has dealing with many kinds of culture in the world that means they do not focus on one language only, but they put a head on several of languages that they are having much knowledge about cultures so that they can look something from different perspective and might understand the differences among others.
In conclution, there isn’t any of a good language learner who doesn’t  get a culture shock eventhough the one has already known the culture very well.  Because the process of teaching-learning in the classroom itself has immersed the target language environment creating  affective problems and  triggering such a language shock, stress and culture shock. But at least, as being a language learner the stage of culture shock the one gets can be manageable and handled, and is able to go beyond the comparison of similarities and differences and think to construct something new by taking the positive things to understand the diversity and accept dissimilarity.

written by : Mutia Elviani
project paper of EAP class
submitted on november 27, 2012

[1] Lesson from Good language learners, Stern, 1983, pp.411-412,
[2] Culture shock, crossing culture in the language classrom pg. 108
[4] Lesson from good language learners, (stern,1983 pp.411-412)

Classification text


Nowadays, the world is getting advanced in all aspects of life. Even in technology, food, fashion, or transportation. All of these have function to enable people doing their activities easily. For instance, transportation is a crucial thing and keep growing up until now. Based on the effectiveness of the time, transportations are divided into several categories.  They are: on land, by water and by air.
On land transportation is the most commonly used by people. It is a kind of mobilization from one place to other places as road and trail way track as the media to through by. People can choose a kind of vehicles needed to go to one place regarding to the time spent. For example, bicycle is a good choice to travel for a short distance. It is good to reach the nearest place as going to school which is not so far away from house, the nearest market and the media for jogging. While motorcycle is use for those who have average distance, such as from one regency to another regency. Besides, for long distance travelling, such as from one city to another city. People will choose public transportation like car, bus and train. It is not only more save and efficient, but also it is not spend much money.
There is another kind of transportation. That is water transportation. It is normally by using ferry or ship. Water transportation is a good way to bridge the island. Because it only one way to go to destination place.
The last is air transportation. It is a kind of travelling by using plane, helicopter, jet, rocket and etc. if you want to have travelling and the place that you want to go is very far away. For example from one country to other countries like Indonesia to Alexandria, air transportation is a good solution for us. Even though it spends a lot of money but it does not take much time and it is not a big problem for those who really consider about the time.
Altogether, these three kinds of transportation have their own advantages and disadvantages. People will decide to select one of them according to the distance, time spent, and the budget they have.

written by : Mutia Elviani
Writing II with Mrs. Chamisah M.Ed

Visit Aceh 2013

Description text


2010 is being an unforgetable moment for the people in the United Arab Emirate. Because on january 4, 2010, a huge and incredible skyscraper in the world was officially legitimized by the president of UAE, Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Recently, this bulding became one of the most awesome places to visit in the world, the height and the sophisticated style of this building will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Burj khalifa is located in Dubai, UAE. The name of Burj khalifa comes from Arabic which means the tower of king. It was built to honor its president. Many people from around the world come here to witness it. Its  height is very impressive and draws people to go there. Honestly, I was suprised when I saw the image of this building on the internet. Furthermore, it has 828 meters or 2717 feet. Its height as if  it penetrated through the blue sky. In addition, The architecture of the building is totally different from the other buildings. It is not square, but it is like several charts that arranged from the lowest to the tallest and formed to a huge isosceles triangle. It has 160 floors. This building is not only as the offices but also as hotel, residentials, libraries, mehcanical, Communication & Broadcast, coorporations and many more. The unique things are that the swimming pool is an 78th floor and the mosque is located in 158th floor. It is very amazing to be there. Many tourists spend their holiday in this world’s site destination every day.

Many people sometimes feel phobia of the tallest building. However, it doesn’t need to happen if you are living in Burj khalifa. In addition, this building provides sophisticated things to enable people doing their work. It has the the fastest elevator in the world which travels at 18 m/second. It only needs 5 second from the first floor to the top. The elevator is very comfortable and safe. Furthermore, this elevator is only available in Burj khalifa, Dubai. So, it will make the residents and visitors make better efficient in using their time.
In conclusion, visiting this marvelous building is everyone’s hope. The height of this building and its sophistication are becoming one of the atraction  included in travelers’ lists as a place to spend their holiday.

Written by : Mutia Elviani